

 Strongyloides stercoralis

Posted By Admin    on 26-10-2021    Comments (10)

Is a small nematode 
Adult female worm is parthenogenetic
Female worm lies in small intestine, lays eggs which immediately hatches into rhabditiform Larvae - passes in stool
Auto Infection- in which rhabditiform Larvae  moults into filariform Larvae in perianal skin and enters into blood vessels
Direct development  - rhabditiform Larvae  moults into filariform Larvae in soil enters through foot and into blood vessels 
Indirect development  -rhabditiform Larvae  moults develops into free living male and female - eggs - rhabditiform Larvae-filariform Larvae- Penetrate skin and enters blood vessels 
From the blood vessels  - enters right heart and lungs - alveolar capillaries- alveoli - ascends ,enters pharynx and swallowed - small intestine- Adult female worm lays eggs 
